UAP Origin Classification System (OCS)

UAP Origin
Classification System (OCS)

A comprehensive taxonomy of theories exploring the nature and origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

A comprehensive taxonomy of theories exploring the nature and origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

A comprehensive taxonomy of theories exploring the nature and origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

The UAP Origin Classification System is a structured framework that organizes the wide array of hypotheses and theories proposed to explain the origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This taxonomy categorizes theories into three primary domains: Physical, Psychosocial (PSH), and Metaphysical (MPH), based on their fundamental nature. By providing a systematic overview of the diverse range of explanations, this classification system can aid researchers, enthusiasts, and the general public in navigating and understanding the complex landscape of UAP origin theories.

The UAP Origin Classification System is a structured framework that organizes the wide array of hypotheses and theories proposed to explain the origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This taxonomy categorizes theories into three primary domains: Physical, Psychosocial (PSH), and Metaphysical (MPH), based on their fundamental nature. By providing a systematic overview of the diverse range of explanations, this classification system can aid researchers, enthusiasts, and the general public in navigating and understanding the complex landscape of UAP origin theories.

The UAP Origin Classification System is a structured framework that organizes the wide array of hypotheses and theories proposed to explain the origins of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP). This taxonomy categorizes theories into three primary domains: Physical, Psychosocial (PSH), and Metaphysical (MPH), based on their fundamental nature. By providing a systematic overview of the diverse range of explanations, this classification system can aid researchers, enthusiasts, and the general public in navigating and understanding the complex landscape of UAP origin theories.

This framework is an adaptation of the Proposed Taxonomy of UAP Origin Hypotheses presented by Col. Karl Nell at the Sol Foundation Symposium in November 2023 at Stanford University, Huang Center, School of Engineering.