AARO Historical Review Report (2024)

The Pentagon's Attempt to Control the UAP Narrative: A Call to Action for Journalists and Producers

The Pentagon's Attempt to Control the UAP Narrative: A Call to Action for Journalists and Producers

The Department of Defense (DoD) is set to release the AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) Historical Review Report, which was mandated by Congress to review allegations that the US government is hiding a UAP Crash Retrieval and Reverse Engineering program possessing materials of non-human origin. However, recent reports suggest that the Pentagon has selectively briefed friendly journalists in an attempt to control the narrative and shut down commentary on the topic.

This move comes amidst growing tension between the executive and legislative branches, with the DoD claiming there's nothing to the allegations, while senior high-level whistleblowers continue to provide Congress with contradictory first-hand evidence.

UAP Caucus believes it is crucial for journalists and producers to approach this report with a critical eye and not simply accept the Pentagon's narrative at face value. The DoD has a documented history of obfuscation on this issue, and it is the responsibility of the media to ask tough questions and hold those in power accountable.

We have compiled a list of producers and journalists who have written about UAP in the last year and created a script for the community to email and tweet to them. The goal is to counter the narrative that the Pentagon is attempting to push and encourage balanced, investigative reporting on this important topic.

Below, you will find our suggested script. We urge you to join us in contacting these journalists and producers, and help ensure that the truth about UAP is not buried by a controlled narrative.

We encourage critical reporting but condemn harassment or negativity towards journalists. Please keep all communications polite, professional, and focused on the importance of government transparency and accountability.



Dear [Journalist/Producer],

As a concerned citizen and member of the UAP community, I urge you to approach the upcoming AARO Historical Review Report with a critical eye and not simply accept the Pentagon's narrative without question.

Recent reports suggest that the Pentagon has selectively briefed journalists in an attempt to control the narrative around UAP and shut down commentary on the topic. However, it is crucial to remember that there has been a documented history of obfuscation from the Department of Defense on this issue, and Congress has received contradictory information from high-level whistleblowers with first-hand evidence.

As a journalist/producer who has covered the UAP topic in the past, you have a responsibility to ask critical questions and not simply be a stenographer for the Pentagon's claims. The public deserves to know the truth, and it is your role to hold those in power accountable.

We encourage you to:

  1. Critically examine the AARO report and question any inconsistencies or unsubstantiated claims.

  2. Seek out and interview whistleblowers and other sources who may have contradictory information.

  3. Provide balanced coverage that includes perspectives from the UAP community and those who have been pushing for transparency.

  4. Continue to investigate and report on this topic, even if the Pentagon claims the case is closed.

The UAP issue is far from resolved, and it is crucial that journalists like you continue to ask tough questions and push for the truth. Don't let the Pentagon control the narrative.

Thank you for your commitment to journalistic integrity and the pursuit of truth.



We have compiled a directory of journalists and producers who have covered the UAP topic in the past year. To encourage critical reporting and balanced coverage, we recommend reaching out to them directly through the following channels:

  • Twitter:
    If a journalist or producer's Twitter handle is listed in the directory, please send them a direct message or tweet at them using the provided script.

  • Email:
    If an email address is available in the directory, please send a personalized email expressing your concerns and emphasizing the importance of critical reporting on the UAP topic.

When contacting journalists and producers, remember to be polite, professional, and respectful. Focus on the significance of government transparency and accountability, and avoid any form of harassment or negativity.

We have compiled a directory of journalists and producers who have covered the UAP topic in the past year. To encourage critical reporting and balanced coverage, we recommend reaching out to them directly through the following channels:

  • Twitter:
    If a journalist or producer's Twitter handle is listed in the directory, please send them a direct message or tweet at them using the provided script.

  • Email:
    If an email address is available in the directory, please send a personalized email expressing your concerns and emphasizing the importance of critical reporting on the UAP topic.

When contacting journalists and producers, remember to be polite, professional, and respectful. Focus on the significance of government transparency and accountability, and avoid any form of harassment or negativity.

We have compiled a directory of journalists and producers who have covered the UAP topic in the past year. To encourage critical reporting and balanced coverage, we recommend reaching out to them directly through the following channels:

  • Twitter:
    If a journalist or producer's Twitter handle is listed in the directory, please send them a direct message or tweet at them using the provided script.

  • Email:
    If an email address is available in the directory, please send a personalized email expressing your concerns and emphasizing the importance of critical reporting on the UAP topic.

When contacting journalists and producers, remember to be polite, professional, and respectful. Focus on the significance of government transparency and accountability, and avoid any form of harassment or negativity.

This website (uapcaucus.com) is an independent community-driven platform and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or representative of any official government entity, including the UAP Caucus within the House of Representatives, or any other official body. The views, frameworks, and content expressed on this site are those of the contributors and do not reflect the official stance or endorsement of any governmental organization.

This website (uapcaucus.com) is an independent community-driven platform and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or representative of any official government entity, including the UAP Caucus within the House of Representatives, or any other official body. The views, frameworks, and content expressed on this site are those of the contributors and do not reflect the official stance or endorsement of any governmental organization.

This website (uapcaucus.com) is an independent community-driven platform and is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or representative of any official government entity, including the UAP Caucus within the House of Representatives, or any other official body. The views, frameworks, and content expressed on this site are those of the contributors and do not reflect the official stance or endorsement of any governmental organization.